Nuru Massage

Nuru is perhaps the most exotic adventurous of all erotic massage services provided at Maison D' Aphrodite.Developed in Kawasaki, Japan, Nuru is traditionally done on a plastic sheet placed on a bed, a covered massage table, or an air mattress. Nuru massage awakens all the senses and evokes powerful, tactile sensations, which aid in the reduction of stress and tension. Nuru also awakens and invigorates the sensual response receptors on the skin’s surface and allows the recipient to increase and maintain high levels of pleasure. Not to mention, after a Nuru session, your skin will feel and look amazing!


At Maison D' Aphrodite, we offer Nuru massage on a massage table as well as on a traditional Nuru sheet. Imagine an adult slip and slide...Sexy, slippery fun at its best!


During a Nuru session, the sensual massage therapist applies warm, seaweed-based gel to her own and her client’s body. She then uses her body as the primary massage tool, gliding, sliding, and undulating across the slick surface of her client’s skin. This sensual, body-to-body massage gently opens the chakras and releases tension in the muscles. Nuru also enables a tremendously erotic and unique full-body therapy that leaves the recipient utterly satiated. Yes, the experience is just as breathtakingly erotic as it sounds!


We believe Nuru is a strong contender for the title of sexiest sensual massage technique, but we invite you to be the judge of that. Book your Nuru session today!

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